
TBI South

What is TBI-South?

Texas Baptist Institute & Seminary equips saints to do the work of ministry through a Biblically-based higher education in harmony with the Bible doctrines of the American Baptist Association to advance the Kingdom of God through the local church ministry of fulfilling the Great Commission. 

To further advance this mission, the trustees of Texas Baptist Institute have chosen to establish an Extension Learning Site called TBI-South, which will allow students in the south Houston area to have access to the same quality education as students at the main campus in Henderson. 

Classes will be hosted by Alvin Missionary Baptist Church at 2102 West Lang Street, Alvin, Tx 77511 and will be taught by local, qualified faculty. 

Course Offerings

Frequently Asked Questions

TBI South is a local, affordable opportunity for anyone who is looking to deepen their knowledge of the Bible. Youth workers, Sunday School teachers, high school and college students, developing preachers and church members desiring to be better equipped to serve the Lord are welcome. 

Because of this focus on equipping every member, TBI South will include one class each term that corresponds to the Bogard Press Adult Sunday School quarterly. 

Students are expected to behave in a way becoming a Christian.

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For degree seeking students, there is a $35 application fee and the cost per credit hour is $150. Each class is 2 credit hours*, so the cost of an individual class is $300 plus books. Members in good standing of a church affiliated with the American Baptist Association are eligible for a 75% tuition discount, bringing the cost per class to $75 plus books. 

For students seeking a Bible certificate, the application fee is waived and the cost is $75 per class for all students, plus books. These students will not be assigned a grade and will not be required to complete tests. 

* TBI is on a quarter system, so credit hours will be adjusted when transferring to a semester-based school.

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The following statement of doctrines is set forth in the Texas Baptist Institute & Seminary Foundation. It will be seen to reflect a conservative, evangelical, missionary, and fundamental stand upon the Baptist Faith, which it believes to be in keeping with the Word of God.

1. God is one triune God: The Father, The Son and Holy Spirit.

2. All things exist as objects of God’s creative power, and not by evolution.

3. Jesus is the Son of God and the Son of Man; He is the only Saviour of men; He was born of a virgin, He is the only Mediator between God and man.

4. The Holy Spirit is the Administrator of God’s work in the world. He convicts the world of righteousness, of sin and the judgment. He regenerates, indwells, seals, comforts and preserves every believer in Christ, and restrains Satan and the powers of evil.

5. The Holy Scriptures, which we call, “The Bible,” in their original expression, are the Words of God; they are verbally inspired and the author of them is God.

6. The human race is totally depraved, alienated from God by sin, and is hopelessly and everlastingly lost except as God Himself provides salvation.

7. Salvation is by grace through faith, the benefit of the blood redemption of Jesus Christ, through His vicarious suffering and atonement, His death, burial, resurrection and intercession.

8. Jesus Christ established His church during His personal ministry on the earth. He is its only Lord and Head. He gave to His church its authority, its law, its commission and its ordinances with the power to perpetuate them; and in perpetuating them, in keeping with the Scriptures, the church as an institution, has perpetuated itself and will perpetuate itself until Jesus comes to earth again.

9. The church of Jesus Christ is a local body of baptized believers, covenanted together in the faith and fellowship of the Word of God. It is a sovereign and independent body, subject only to the triune God and His law. In religious matters, there can be no higher authority in the world than that of a New Testament Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the act of a church is final in all religious matters.

10. Churches of the Lord Jesus Christ may and should work together in doing the will of God as it pertains to their work; but it must be a voluntary cooperation and free association on the basis of church equality, with each church retaining its sovereignty and independence under the triune God. No religious body, such as is commonly thought of as a denominational organization, can make laws or rules governing a sovereign church, and if churches themselves enter into agreement whereby their sovereignty or independence is abridged, they become unscriptural in so doing.

11. The ordinances of the church are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. They are properties of the church and can be administered by the authority of the church only. A penitent believer in Christ is a proper subject for baptism, and baptism and church fellowship are scriptural qualifications for partaking of the Lord’s Supper. Baptism is by immersion in water and its design is to declare the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. The elements of the Lord’s Supper are “the fruit of the vine” and unleavened bread. In the Lord’s Supper the church memorializes His death until He comes again.

12. The believer in Christ is made secure in Him. His security is assured because salvation is the gift of God, based upon the finished work of Christ, and is not dependent upon good works. Good works are the fruits of the believer’s salvation and are not the cause of it.

13. Jesus will return to the earth in the end of this age. He will return in person as He went away. When He comes, the dead in Christ shall be raised from the dead and the living righteous saints shall be translated. Christ will judge the world in righteousness, reign with His saints on the earth, judge the nations and reward His servants. At the end of His earthly reign will come the resurrection of the rest of the dead of all ages, the final judgment, and the wicked shall go into everlasting banishment and torment; while the righteous shall go into eternal life.

14. The freedom of speech, of conscience, and of religion are God-given rights which cannot be scripturally taken away from any individual.

TBI holds “candidate status” with the Association for Biblical Higher Education. Candidate status is a pre-accreditation status granted to institutions meets the ABHE Conditions of Eligibility and possessing qualities for achieving accreditation status within five years. 
This status generally allows the transfer of credits to other schools.

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Bible certificates are a completion based way to receive a Bible education without the constraints of grades. You will receive the same great education as degree seeking students, but with a cost of only $75 a class and without worrying about grades.

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TBI-South will only offer classes one night a week at this time, but students looking to complete a degree would benefit from a blended approach of in-person and online classes. 

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Please request more information here.

Ready to Get Started?

The first step is to apply as soon as possible. Once your application has been approved, you will be able to register for your classes. We are so excited to see you on August 20th!